Excellence in Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery

Where Precision Harmonises with Care

Experience personalised thyroid and parathyroid surgery with Mr Taleb Jeddy. Combining technical precision and a human touch, our expert care makes you and your family feel safe and valued. Trust in our commitment to excellence.

Surgeries Performed
Years of Experience

Our Custom Services

Comprehensive Thyroid and Parathyroid Solutions. Explore our specialised services, from diagnostic precision to expert surgical interventions, dedicated to optimising your health and overall well-being.

Awards and Certifications

Explore firsthand accounts of our exceptional thyroid and parathyroid surgery and aftercare.

Fellow of the royal college of surgeons of England

Member of British association of endocrine and Thyroid surgeon

I want great care certificate of excellence

What Our Patients Say

We invite you to come discover why we are a leading destination for thyroid care.

"I am dedicated to precision and excellence, my goal is to enhance the quality of your life."
Taleb Jeddy

Passionate about training and teaching surgeons of the next generation.

Precision, empathy, and continuous innovation define our commitment to your well-being.

Surgical Precision

We perform thyroid surgeries with the highest level of precision, ensuring optimal outcomes for our patients' health.

Empathy and Personalised Care

We dedicate ourselves to understanding the unique needs of each patient, providing personalised care and comprehensive support before, during, and after surgery.

Continuous Innovation

We embrace innovation and ongoing education to offer our patients the most advanced and safe techniques in thyroid surgery, ensuring standards of excellence in our medical practice.

Navigating Health with Surgical Expertise

Discover a wealth of knowledge on thyroid care, surgical innovations, and patient journeys with our specialist blog.

Parathyroid Operations in Adults

Parathyroid Operations in Adults

Parathyroid surgery is performed to address overactive parathyroid glands, which regulate calcium levels in the body.

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Thyroid Info

Thyroid Info

Embark on a journey through the intricacies of thyroid health, guided by surgical mastery. Uncover invaluable insights into procedures and holistic care for a thriving thyroid.

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Potential Complications of Parathyroid Surgery

Potential Complications of Parathyroid Surgery

Experience the assurance of a secure parathyroid surgery journey. The overwhelming majority of individuals who undergo a parathyroid gland procedure encounter no complications.

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